研讨会 Structural biology and crystal healing-Diamond Light Source
发布时间:2022-04-27 11:28   文章栏目:公司新闻   浏览次数:

Tackling complex problems in the field of structural biology has never been easy, but the corona crisis has made it particularly difficult. The answer? Good experimental setups and great collaborations.  (解决结构生物学领域的复杂问题从来都不是一件容易的事,但日冕危机让它变得特别困难。答案是什么?良好的实验设置和良好的合作。)

In this webinar, Dr. Sam Horrell, a beamline scientist at Diamond Light Source beamline I24, will present the current setup on I24 and the types of experiments you can perform there. He will also reflect on collaborative structural biology at Diamond and working with the Coronavirus Structural Taskforce, a collective of structural biologists assessing the quality of Coronavirus structures to aid in structure-based drug design.(在本次网络研讨会上,钻石光源光束线I24的光束线科学家山姆·霍雷尔博士将介绍I24上的当前设置以及可以在那里执行的实验类型。他还将反思Diamond的合作结构生物学,并与冠状病毒结构工作组(Coronavirus structural Task Force)合作。该工作组由结构生物学家组成,评估冠状病毒结构的质量,以帮助基于结构的药物设计。)

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